What is Variables?
1. Variables are containers used to store value in the program.
2. Variables can be of different types, such as integers, floating-point numbers, strings, Booleans, and more.
3. To declare a variable in Dart, you use the var
keyword followed by the variable name and an optional value
4. Syntax – var variableName = value;
5. Syntax – type variableName = value;
//here type is datatype
var name = 'Nandan';
var age = 23;
var isMarried = false;
You can also specify the type of a variable explicitly using the Type
String name = 'Nandan';
int age = 23;
bool isMarried = false;
Some Rules In Variables
1. Variable names are case sensitive, i.e., a and A are different.
2. A variable name can consist of letters and alphabets.
3. A variable name cannot start with number.
4. Keywords are not allowed to use as a variable name.
5. Blank spaces are not allowed in a variable name.
6. Special characters are not allowed except for the underscore (_) and the dollar ($) sign.
Types Of Variables
1. String: For storing text value. E.g. “Nandan” [Must be in quotes]
2. int: For storing integer value. E.g. 7, -10, 1234 [Decimal is not included]
3. double: For storing floating point value. E.g. 10.0, -10.2, 85.698 [Decimal is included]
4. num: For storing any types of number. E.g. 10, 20.2, -20 [both int and double]
5. bool: For storing true or false value. E.g. true, false [Only stores true or false values]
6. var: For storing any value. E.g. ‘Small’, 12, ‘z’, true, false
Using constant in dart
is the type of variable whose value never changes.
void main() {
String name = "Nandan";
String address = "Karnataka";
int age = 23;
bool isDegreeFinished = true;
var info = "Curious Developers Community";
print("Name is $name");
print("Address is $address");
print("Age is $age");
print("Degree Status is $isDegreeFinished");
print("info is $info");
//constant in dart
const String constant_info = "Nochange";
print("No Change in information $constant_info");
Name is Nandan
Address is Karnataka
Age is 23
Degree Status is true
info is Curious Developers Community
No Change in information Nochange
Naming Conventions
In Dart the variable name should start with lower-case, and every second word’s first letter will be upper-case like num1, fullName, isMarried, etc. Technically, this naming convention is called lowerCamelCase.
// Incorrect Way
var fullname = "Nandan";
// Correct Way
var fullName = "Nandan";
const pi = 3.14;
Project – 2 Details Generator
In this project we will generate a simple details of the person by using variables
void main()
String name = "Nandan";
String email = "info@curiousdevelopers.in";
int rollNum = 7;
int age = 23;
print("My name is $name, I'm $age years old, My roll number is $rollNum and My email id is $email");
My name is Nandan, I'm 23 years old, My roll number is 7 and My email id is info@curiousdevelopers.in